Happy Birthday, VMD Pathman Senathirajah!

I know we’ve already greeted him last week, but he’s so special to merit several birthday greetings across the week: Happy Birthday Boss! His actual birthday is on Sunday, June 24, so we’re probably greeting him then again.

He’s in his 30s now. He’s not telling what age exactly. But he can tell you this: he’s single. And he seems to like it that way. But who knows? We can never really know what’s inside that amazing mind of his.

He was born in a small town in Perak, Malaysia called Teluk Intan. We didn’t know what happened after that. He just became the successful, charismatic man he is now.

Just kidding. No real success story is ever worth telling if it wasn’t borne out of hard work and sheer will power, amiright? But that’s a whole other story, and it will take longer to tell.

Let’s take a look at the company he manages: The V. With The V, he wielded the power to care for the welfare of millions of IRs and somehow direct them to Dato Vijay Eswaran’s vision, which he and the rest of the V Partners share like conductors to an orchestra. Everyone knows when he enters the room, even if it’s the end of a long, jam-packed hallway. He has a Facebook fan page with over 16,700+ fans and counting. He has another Facebook fan page, Uncle Pathman, dedicated to the V Kids which has garnered 1,900+ likes, which puts his total Facebook fans at around 18,600. He has numerous videos of him on the internet, most of it in VTUBE and in The V’s Youtube channel, which are shared through Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

He’s a hip individual, able to keep up with fast-changing trends and fashions.

If you’re thinking of something to give to Pathman Senathirajah, you can remember these few things about him. Among other things, he’s a vegetarian, likes to play golf, a tasteful dresser, and has a keen eye for new, interesting things and innovations.

He also has a big heart. He has two pet dogs named Faith and Destiny. He loves fishes and even has a pet Koi. He’s got brothers who run alongside him in the company that he loves. He loves his mom, which is more than any mother could ask for. He lost his father at a very young age, but in a way, he compensated for that by being a father to many people all over the world, always lending his wisdom, experience, and humor.

He credits Dato Vijay Eswaran, his mentor, for giving him the opportunity to chase after his dreams and get to where he is today in his book even a moron with a dream, and based on this and how their relationship is, it shows us that Pathman Senathirajah is a man of gratitude and loyalty.

He has been one of the leaders in charity works in The V. Once, he came to the office wearing an odd pair of shoes, but said that buying a pair helps a foundation send a child to school. He’s the kind of person who gives, rather than receives, on every big celebration or occasion.

On his birthday, send him greetings and be thankful for what he has brought to the world and to our lives.

(You can send him your greetings here and here.)

Happy Birthday Mr Pathman Senathirajah. We wish you another year of success, happiness, and rock and roll.

He may not have armor, but he’s a millionaire, philantrophist, innovator, published author, spokesperson, giver, (we don’t know if we should add “playboy” to the mix, but he’s charismatic enough to play the part), and an inspiration to many.

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