VTube+ Video: F2 Learnings – Dev Johl


AVP Dev Johl shares the important message of facing challenges because as No. 1, in-charge of running V-Indonesia 2012, he and his team of In-Service face challenges every day. He also imparts Chief’s message of Find 2 to help every IR grow his or her business. You can watch the video here: http://upline.the-v.net/vtube/video?Id=0_xxd34t45


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VTube+ Video: F2 Learnings – Hendra Nilam


Indonesian leader, AVP Hendra Nilam pumps up his home country to get out there, find your two, and do it now. His message is for everyone who wants to experience success in the business. You can watch the video here: http://upline.the-v.net/vtube/video?Id=0_hr08i9wu

If you haven’t registered on VTube+ yet, register here!

VTube+ Video: Dato’ Sri Vijay’s Message to ICE Participants

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In this video, Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran addresses the participants of recently concluded ICE (Inner Circle Elite) Summit. He reminds the ICE leaders of our mission of touching a billion hearts and in doing so building a great future together. You can watch the video here: http://upline.the-v.net/vtube/video?id=0_zr9erjfd

If you haven’t registered on VTube+ yet, register here!

VTube+ Video: Chief Pathman Talks to Dato’ Sri Vijay about The Zone

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In this video, Chief Pathman talks to Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran about the Zone. The Zone is an intensive training program facilitated by Dato’ Vijay Eswaran. Participation is by invitation only. Aspirants to the Zone go through 4 days of intense reflection and self assessment that ultimately leads to finding one’s path in life. You can watch the video here: http://upline.the-v.net/vtube/video?Id=0_9mlp44mk

If you haven’t registered on VTube+ yet, register here!

VTube+ Video: What did you learn from V-Con 2012? – K Padma

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In this video, AVP K Padma recounts her experience from the first V-Con in Goa, India in 2001. She says that ever since that V-Con she has decided to remain excited, to dream big, and to achieve more. Click the following link or the image above to go to the video: http://upline.the-v.net/vtube/video?Id=0_dlvsstvs

If you haven’t registered on VTube+ yet, register here!

VTube+ Video: VMD Pathman Senathirajah on the Amezcua Biolight

Pathman biolight

Have you seen VMD Pathman Senathirajah on VTbe+ lately? In this video Chief Pathman talks about the amazing companion to the Amezcua Biodisc, the Biolight. The Biolight helps the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 generate the biophotons to enhance your energy levels and improve the taste of your foods and beverages. You can watch the video here: http://upline.the-v.net/vtube/video?id=0_owrewfvs.

If you haven’t registered on VTube+ yet, register here!

What did you learn from V-Con 2012? – Balajee Kumar [VIDEO]

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Click on the image to watch the video on VTUBE+. If you’re not a registered user, sign up now and be a member!

AVP Balajee Kumar shares his learning in V-Indonesia 2012. He vows to keep it simple, go back to basics, find the right people, find 2, and ensure the success of his network.

Are you a registered user of VTUBE+? To see more content from VTUBE+, you can register now to get the latest updates and watch exclusive videos straight from The V and its leaders themselves!

Source: http://upline.the-v.net/vtube/video?Id=0_ropw9nlc

VTube+ Basics: Categories & Channels

vtube basics categories and channels

This VTube+ navigation tutorial will give you an overview on how to find videos via VTube+ categories and channels. Learn an easy way to find the video that interests you the most with this tutorial. Click on the image above to redirect you to the video.

Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran’s new year message to the network [VTube+ video]

Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran sends this new year message to the network. 2013 is the year that will define us. In everything that we do, we do it F.A.S.T. F.A.S.T. stands for Fast And Simple Track, which means that we move towards our common goal of “Touching a Billion Hearts” in a the fastest, and simplest way we know. Click the link below to watch the video on VTube+!


VTube+ on maintenance mode for 24 hrs today, returns tomorrow

We regret to inform you that the Virtual Upline (which is comprised of VTube+ and VShoppe) is under maintenance for 24 hours today. You can check back in tomorrow, January 18.

We apologize for this inconvenience and we hope that you bear with us as we strive to make our services better for you. These services will return once everything is fixed.

Thank you so much for supporting VTube+!