What do you think of The V Website? Answer this survey and let us know!


The V’s official website www.the-v.net is our main tool in communicating with IRs around the world, making sure that it’s up to date and that all the things you should know are accessible to you from your own computer or any device with internet browsing capability.

However, this website is not perfect. That’s why we came up with a survey to evaluate how it’s doing and see what we could improve upon. This survey aims to gather important information regarding our very own V Website and your participation is highly important and appreciated.

You can answer the survey at the following link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/F2RYDLD.

Remember, this survey will help us serve you better. Once we gather enough data, we’d be able to improve this website. So watch out for what we have in store for you after this!

VTube+ Basics: Categories & Channels

vtube basics categories and channels

This VTube+ navigation tutorial will give you an overview on how to find videos via VTube+ categories and channels. Learn an easy way to find the video that interests you the most with this tutorial. Click on the image above to redirect you to the video.

V Studios launches its brand new website!

If you’re talking about motion pictures (or simply, movies) V Studios has everything that will suit your needs. V Studios has just recently launched their brand spanking new website! Watch the works of V Studios and find out what they do best. Find out how to get in touch with the experts so they can help you make your next masterpiece.

Make sure to visit V Studios website today!

Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to know more about what’s happening at V-Indonesia 2012!

Source: V Studios New Website

The V Website goes on hiatus on Aug. 25, returns on Aug. 27

Starting August 25,  The V website (the-v.net) including all websites connected to it like VTUBE and the V-Indonesia 2012 microsite (http://v-indonesia2012.the-v.net/) will be down and will return online on Monday,  August 27. We apologize for this small inconvenience. Our IT team is currently working to make browsing faster and a more fun experience for our IRs all over the world. You can visit them again on Aug. 27.

This blog will still be up on those days, however, as are our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Stay tuned for its return!