Can we all make it to 20,000 likes before VIndo2012?

It is V Managing Director Pathman Senathirajah’s wish that his Facebook fan page (along with The V fanpage) get 20,000 likes by the time V-Indonesia 2012 rolls around. Do you think we can make it? Of course we can! Just copy this link and post it on your wall. Share it with your friends and ask them to like his page! (Plus, his birthday is on Sunday. Maybe you can add a few thousand likes to his page as a birthday gift? 😀 )

In the same vein, since The V is his “baby”, copy this link, post it on your wall, share it with your friends and ask them to like our page! Get us to 20,000 likes before VCon 2012!

We also have other pages that you can like and be updated with!

We’ve got our VTUBE page for our videos, our Voyager page for Voyager magazine, the Uncle Pathman page for V Kids.

Here’s another milestone we’d like to reach: reach 5000 followers on Twitter by September, around the time of V-Indonesia 2012. Right now, we’re trying to reach the 3000 mark. Help us reach 5000 by telling your friends to follow us on Twitter and be updated with the latest news from The V!

So c’mon you guys, be updated, stay updated with the latest news and happenings from The V!

A Special Message from QNET VFan

Get involved. Get Fanpoints. Get to a GP! Once in a lifetime chance to do it like a superstar.

How would you like to be given the full VIP treatment, flown to an exotic destination where your driver takes you straight to your 5-star hotel? This is followed by a weekend of the ultimate in luxurious dining and entertainment in the company of inspirational business leaders. Oh, and you can check out an F1 Grand Prix too! As a guest of the Marussia F1 Team!

We want to give you this experience. Fan HQ is here and it’s your chance to get involved. We are looking for QNET’s biggest fan and every interaction you make with the partnership – Tweeting, Facebooking, uploading photos, downloading exclusive wallpapers – will get you Fanpoints.

This is YOUR partnership! It’s an opportunity only available to QNET IRs and QI Group staff. You’d be crazy not to make the most of it with FanHQ.

So come on, spend the weekend like a star; rub shoulders with the elite while you soak up the atmosphere behind the scenes in this most exclusive of sports. Believe me; you won’t want to miss it.

Click here to log in.


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And subscribe to their YouTube channel.

You can also download their FanHQ brochure.